Saturday, September 12, 2020

Knowlwdge To Protect Us: The Natural Disasters

A natural disaster is very common nowadays and occurs very frequently in almost any place every now and then. Many people help at such times. Some examples are given below:

(a) Neighbours help each other.

(b) People from bigger cities come for help.

(c) Local leaders

(d) Political leaders

(e) Various non-government organizations

(f) Doctors and nurses of the nearby hospitals

(g) Some shopkeepers.


Some of them may have been from non-government organisations and some may be scientists, doctors and medical personnel. They brought food, clothes, medicines, etc which gives us relief. The scientists checks the real reasons for the disaster to identify areas which were more prone to damage. 

People from the areas of the natural disaster rebuilt their assets  with suggestions from, the engineers. The engineers gave suggestions to build houses so that there would be the least damage in case of any future disasters.

 In case of an earthquake or flood in our area, we may be in the danger. The walls can develop cracks and in the worst case, roofs can collapse. Household items like TV, fridge, etc. would also be damaged.


In the village areas clay, cow dung, mirror, etc. were used in making houses which is not strong enough compared with the houses made up of bricks, cement, iron, wood, etc.

Nowadays in the schools, they give proper training on what to do and not to do in case of sudden natural disasters. They train students to go to an open area. If someone is unable to go to an open area then he/she can hide under a table and hold it firmly.

 In case of the collapse of the house during an earthquake, the table can save a person from injury


It was seen in the past that people do not die because of the earthquake or floods but they die or get injured because of house collapses. So, if the buildings are made earthquake-proof or flood-proof then there will be the least damage in case of an earthquake or flood or any other natural disaster. In case people lost their house then they need the following help:

(a) Tent/canvas to prepare huts

(b) Clothes, food, water, milk and medicines.


In this type of scenario, people get help from the people who is their neighbour. People live together in a neighbourhood so that they can help each other during times of crisis. They also live together so that they can share their happiness with each other.


It will definitely be a scary situation in case of crisis if very less people live around you. We will have nobody to play with. Festivals and special days would be boring if we have to celebrate them all alone.


Following difficulties are faced by people during floods:

(а) Many people lose their near and dear ones.

(b) Many people get injured.

(c) There is a huge loss of property.

(d) Crops and houses get destroyed.

(e) A large number of cattle dies.

(f) There is an acute shortage of drinking water.

(g) Road and rail network is badly damaged.

(h) Waterborne epidemics spread in the affected area.


After the flood, children are forced to study in a makeshift school. People have to start from scratch to make their life normal. Cleaning the house and submerged goods is the first measure task after the flood water recedes. Many people may have to start an altogether new occupation to earn money.

People have to rebuild their houses. They have to arrange for safer drinking water. Government has to restore the rail and road network as quickly as possible.