Mangoes Round The Year

1. How did Aman know that the potato sabzi had got spoilt?

Ans. The bad smell from the potato sabzi gave the clue.

2. Have you ever seen some food that has got spoilt? How did you know that it was spoilt?

Ans. Yes, I have seen foods that have gone spoilt. The spoilt food smells bad and shows unusual colours.

3. Preeti told Nitu not to eat the potato sabzi. What would have happened if she had eaten it?

Ans. She may have fallen ill if she had eaten it.

4. Look in your kitchen and write down names of food items that:

(a) Can get spoilt in 2-3 days.

Ans. Milk, bread, dal, boiled rice.

(b) Can be kept for a week.

Ans. Potato, tomato, onion, cake.

(c) Would not spoil till one month.

Ans. Flour, raw rice, pickles, ghee, oil, sugar, salt.

5. Write down the observation that you have about different food item.

Ans. Most of the cooked foods get spoilt in 2-3 days while some of the raw vegetables get spoilt in a week. Most of the dry grains can last a month and more than a month.

6.Will your list be the same in all seasons? What would change?

Ans. No, the list will change in different seasons. Food easily gets spoilt in summer than in winter. In rainy season, the excess moisture in the air hastens the % process of spoiling of food.

7.When food gets spoilt in your house, what do you do with it?

Ans. We throw the spoilt food in the garbage bin.

8.What can we know from what is written on the packet?

Ans. The food packet can give following information:

Price, weight, date of manufacturing, date of expiry and ingredients.

9.When we buy anything from the market, what do we look for on the packet?

 Ans: We check for the dates of manufacturing and expiry. I also check for price and weight.

10. Different kinds of food items spoil due to different reasons. Some foods spoil soon, some stay good for long. List some seasons and conditions in which food spoils quickly.

 Ans. The food spoils quickly in summer and rainy seasons.

Conditions in which the food spoils quickly:

– If cooked food is kept in open.

– If milk is not boiled properly.

– If green vegetables are kept in hot and humid places.

– If pickles are not protected against moisture.

11.Why was sugar and jaggery mixed into the mango pulp and dried in the sun?

 Ans. To make mamidi tandra (aam papad).

 12.Why did Appa first choose the ripest mangoes to be used for making the mamidi tandra?

 Ans. Ripe mango contains more juice and less fibres. Hence, Appa first chose the ripest mangoes to be used for making the mamidi tandra.

13.How did the brothers make the mamidi tandra? Write down step-by-step what they did for this.

 Ans. The brothers bought following things from the market:

1. Mat made from palm leaves, casuarinas poles, string made of coconut husk, jaggery and sugar.

2. They made a platform from casuarinas poles and mat.

3. Mango juice was taken out and filtered through a fine cloth to remove fibres.

4. A thin layer of juice was spread on the mat and left to dry

5. In the evening the layer was covered with a sari to prevent dust from getting on it.

6. Every day, layer upon layer was added.

7. After about four weeks a thick golden cake of mamidi tandra could be made.

14.What things are made in your house from ripe and unripe mangoes?

 Ans. In my house, pickles and chutneys are made from unripe mangoes. Aam papad is made from ripe mangoes. Mango shake is also made from ripe mangoes.

15.Glass jars and bottles are dried well in the sun before filling them with pickles. Why is this done? Do you remember what happened to the bread in the experiment?

 Ans. Glass jars and bottles are dried well in the sun to remove any moisture. In the experiment with bread, the bread got spoiled because of moisture and fungus grew on it.

16.To eat mangoes round the year we make different items like pickles, aam papad, chutney, chikky, etc. List some other food with which we make different things, so that we can enjoy it throughout the year.

 Ans. Following are examples of food which can be enjoyed throughout the year:

(a) Pickles are made from many things.

(b) Many vegetables; like cauliflower; are sun dried for later use.

(c) Potato chips and banana chips are made so that they can last longer.

(d) Murabba is prepared from white gourd and amla.

(e) Peda is made from milk