1) When do you find your sense of smell helpful to you? List some examples. Like – to know by its smell that food has gone bad or that something is burning.
Sense of smell is very helpful in avoiding accidents like:
a) identifying leakage of cooking gas from cylinders;
b) Burning of wires or clothes.
c) food which are not in eatable condition
2) In what ways do human beings make use of this special sense of smell of dogs?
The special sense of smell of dogs is used by police
a) to catch thieves
b) search for lost people and detect bombs
c) Dogs are also used to guard our houses from strangers.
3) Name the animals that you would be able to recognise only by their smell, without seeing them?
We can recognise following animals by their smell:Dogs, cats, buffalo, cow, fish, etc.
4) How do you feel when you walk near a heap of garbage? Think of the children who spend the whole day picking things from such garbage.
Ans. I feel very bad when I walk near a heap of garbage. Children get used to the smell of the garbage and they don't find it bad anymore.
5) Write the name of a bird which has eyes in front of its head (like in humans).
Ans. Owl.
6) Write the names of some birds which have eyes on either side of the head. What is the size of their eyes as compared to the size of their head?
Ans. Sparrows, pigeons, crows,, eagles are few examples of birds having eyes on either side of the head.
7) Write the names of ten animals whose ears can be seen.
Ans. Buffalo, Dog, cow, cat, rabbit, elephant, lion, zebra, giraffe and mouse.
8) The names of some animals whose ears are bigger than our ears.
Ans. Elephant, rabbit, cow, buffalo, dog are few examples of animals having ears bigger than our ears.
9) Can you understand the sounds of some animals? Which animals?
Ans: Yes, I can understand the sound of some animals. I can easily tell the sound of dog, cat, cow, horse, etc.
10) Do some animals understand your language? Which ones?
Ans: Yes, some pet animals like dog, cow, ox, parrot, etc. understand our language.
12) Have you noticed that sometimes singers put their hand on their ear when they sing? Why do you think they may be doing this?
Ans. Yes, I have noticed it many times. They do this to minimize noise and to listen their voice clearly.
13) Give examples of animals that may have a very strong sense of sight, hearing or smell.
Ans. Some examples are as follows:
(a) A police dog can smell explosives; which cannot be detected by human beings.
(b) An eagle can see its small prey from high in the sky.
(c) A dog can hear the faintest sound of someone’s footsteps.
(d) A mosquito can find a human being by smelling his body odour.
(e) Some animals behave in strange manner in case of a natural calamity which is about to happen.
14) The tiger is one of the most alert animals. And yet, today tigers are in danger. What do you think are some of the dangers to tigers in the jungle?
Ans. Hunters (शिकारी ) and poachers (शिकार का चोर) kill tigers for skin.
Larger animals like lion is more powerful and can dangerous for the tiger.
Deforestation is also making the life of tigers in danger.
15) Can human beings also be a threat to animals? How?
Ans. Yes, human beings can also be a threat to animals. Human beings kill animals to get their body parts. For example; elephants are killed for their tusks, rhinos are killed for their horns. Snakes and crocodiles are also killed for their skin. As population of human increasing they are destroying more forests because of which wild animals are not getting place to live.