MS Word 2010

 1) Name the two word processing softwares.

Ans: MS Word, Open Office Writer 


2) Write any two use of word processing software.

Ans: Two uses of Word Processing Software are:

a) It helps us to type your text on the computer.

b) We can take the printout of the any official letter we type.


3) Name some components of MS Word 2010 Window.

Ans:  The components of MS Word 2010 are:

a) Title bar

b) Quick Access Toolbar 

c) Ribbon

d) Status bar

e) Horizontal ruler

f) Vertical ruler

g) Text area / Document window

h) Help button


4) Name some tabs present on the ribbon in MS Word 2010 window.

Ans: Few of the tabs present in the MS Word 2010 are: 

a) Home

b) File

c) Insert

d) Page Layout

e) Mailing

f) Review