No Place For Us?
People use to feel alone in a crowdy place if it is a new place or people around them are unknown. It is very difficult to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place. Everything will be new in the new place. The people, the market, the roads; everything will look like stranger in the new place. Smaller cities have less opportunities. Poor people and people who want to earn more often migrate to big cities. Big cities have lot of opportunities like variety of works and more opportunities.
(a) Rag picking
(b) Cleaning the car
(c) As domestic help
(d) Selling sundry items near footpath
They need to work to support their family. Their parents do not earn enough and hence these children need to work.
We learn following from our elders like respecting elders, sticking to a routine by sleeping and waking up on time and by studying and playing as per the routine, maintaining love and affection with friends and relatives, helping in household chores.
Normally poor people use to learn fish catching, selling goods in the market, playing dhol specially for earning some money and to survive the cruel world.
A person living the village don't hear the sounds of horns of vehicles, sound of trains, sound of police siren. They use to live in peace. Normally we also experience silence during the time of sleeping.
It is not easy task for any person to leave their own place, the land and forest were associated with fond memories of many generations of people. Their forefathers had been living on that land since a long period. Sometimes these people were forced to leave the place by government officials and the police with a promise to sent them in a better place where they would have better facilities in terms of electricity and water.
Normally the movement of the people happened when there are some project by the government in or near by place where these poor and helpless people stays. One example is making of dam in a place for which people used to face many difficulties. Some of them are may be houses and farms get destroyed, people have to move from their own place to other new place, facilities may not that good, starting the life in a new set up have many challenges, they have to struggle very hard to develop the support system; which includes schools, markets, etc.
After the promises also many a time the govern body may fail to fulfill the promises in the expected manners like
> the houses may be made of tin sheets and may be very weak,
> there may be lack of electric supply,
> people don't get proper fire wood because of lack of trees around, so use to burn old tyres as fuel which smells very bad,
> in the town there will not be enough space
So we must not disrespect any guests and give equal priorities to all. When guests come to our home for a few days, we must pay full attention and respect to them. We must take care that they have a comfortable stay. Normally our mother makes special food for them so that they can enjoy their stay and our father takes a day off to take them to some good places. We must behave to everyone who is new to our place and we must give them all the support to them so that they can build a better future together with us.
They live in a slum area. Houses there normally are made of tin sheets and roofs are made of plastic sheets. There is always a big drain near the slum which makes the area unhygienic.
These are poor people having no place to live and if we remove the slum then these people who are very poor will find it difficult to find shelter. The government should do some arrangements before razing the slum.
Please may question about the transferable jobs as same as moving the poor people from slum, but transfers are an integral part of many jobs. It is always difficult to leave a place and start life afresh in a new place. One has to do lot of packing and unpacking during transfers. One needs to leave close friends from a place and needs to make friends with new people. A child has to move to a new school in a new environment. This is difficult and challenging also. But still the people will have a constant income source to support their movement in a new place, not like poor who being pushed from their place.
Some people say that - “The city people do not create garbage. Cities are dirty because of the slums”. It is totally incorrect to put all the blame on slum dwellers. City people also produce lot of garbage. Many people in middle class colonies throw garbage on the roads. In order to keep their homes, clean they throw all the waste on the roads. Slums also develop because of city people. Government constructs new dams, roads, factories, etc. to cater to the needs of city people. As a result displaced people from villages are forced to leave their place and move to cities. These poor people cannot afford good houses and hence they develop slums.
Many people migrate to big cities for different reasons to get many opportunities but there are many more challenges:
a) One has to compromise with limited space in big cities.
b) Poor people are forced to live in unhygienic conditions.
c) They may be earning more than what they earned in villages but they are unable to save money because of the higher cost of living in big cities.
d) They also face the problem of with the local language of the new place.
e) They are unable to afford medical facilities and quality education.