Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Respecting All Kind of Jobs: Who Will Do This Job?

They face many difficulties while doing this work. They have to bear the foul smell. The foul smell often results in nausea and headache. Their job is considered a dirty job and hence they are looked down upon by other people.
Following are the list of jobs which we prefer not to do:
1. Sweeper
2. Laborer
3. Fruit/vegetable hawker
4. Construction worker
5. Gatekeeper.

These jobs need fewer skills. Without higher studies also it can be done. As we are studying in school, we will do a job to make life better for everyone so that society can be proud of us.

People do not want to do those works which are not challenging and which do not require much mental ability. All the menial jobs like cleaning, sweeping, etc. come under such a category of jobs. People want to do a job that is challenging and well paying. People also want to earn respect in society. Poor and uneducated people do this kind of work. Poverty does not allow them to study beyond certain grades. Lack of education makes them unfit for doing most of the jobs. That is why these people have to do these menial jobs which need fewer skills.
If nobody would do this work then it will create problems for us. The garbage will get collected outside our school and houses. It will start giving a bad smell due to the process of rotting. It could create epidemics also. The place, full of garbage, will look very ugly.
Some other ways for cleaning, so that people would not have to do this work, are Cranes can be used to lift a huge amount of garbage which will eliminate the need for garbage handling by hand. We can use the big dustbin in which garbage is collected.

Gandhiji and his team started doing the job of cleaning so that people should come out of their mindset. He wanted people to respect every type of job. He wanted that people should understand that a particular job is not meant only for a particular caste.

People generally behave very badly with those who clean toilets and drains. People consider them as untouchable. People avoid talking to those who clean toilets and drains.
The work done by boys and girls, men and women are somewhat different. There are certain tasks like cooking, sewing, washing, ironing clothes which are supposed to be done by ladies only. There are certain tasks that are supposed to be done by men only. For example; repairing a fault in _ electricity, repairing the car, moving heavy items, etc.

I would like to bring some changes. For example; men should also learn cooking. Washing or ironing of clothes can be done by men also. Women should also be allowed to do a job they want to do.
There are people who look differently at different kinds of work. Some people have yet to change their mindset. It is important to bring change because of several reasons. Every work is important for society. A simple job does not mean that it is useless. Every person has self-respect and people should learn to pay respect to others no matter which kind of work they are doing.
Gandhiji was right that every person should do every kind of work. By doing work we can understand the importance of that work and can also understand all the effort required for that work. If everyone followed this, then people will start showing more respect to others. We will understand that everyone is important to society. In my house, I think everyone will start gaining the same amount of self-respect.